Autumn’s Mushrooms and the Cultural Connection

Mushroom picking is a popular seasonal activity for many European cultures. You speak from your Italian background experience, but other culture groups such as Macedonian, Russian, Ex-Yugoslavian and Polish do just as much have a well entrained connection with the activity. You found a fantastic essay about the Polish experience, Polonia In Australia, and attached […]

Studio Visit

Today you had the first studio visit. A great chance to “road-test” your skills in explaining what it is that you doing, why, and how it is that doing a weed’s inventory of a particular place is art anyway? The guys from Epping Boys High seemed interested…in your web designing skills. You found refreshing to […]


On Monday night Gary brought you three fantastic examples of Agaricus Campestris (Field Mushroom). They were fantastic in a quick fried pan with garlic and with fresh parsley garnished! You where so excited about the find of such familiar mushroom you end-up spending the next two mornings looking for more, to finally find one this […]

Weed legislation in NSW

New South Wales Relevant legislation The relevant legislation is the Noxious Weeds Act 1993 (NWA). The NWA was reviewed and amended with the changes coming into force on 1 March 2006. The NWA is administered by the New South Wales Department of Primary Industries, with Local Control Authorities (LCAs) responsible for implementing the Act on […]

Autumn in the South Coast

Day 8. It rains, a lot. It’s a good autumn, wet and mild. The plants are happy, lots of them flowering and fruiting, celebrating and propagating after an harsh and very dry summer. Today Gary showed you and Tom the way to Beeweeree. Last time you tried with Jim to reach the site you couldn’t […]

Weed Meal

Day 6, you and Tom went to the island today, a wide stretch of sand deposited by the river. You spear-headed this walk primarily to follow a tip-off of a Prickly Pear (Opuntia Spp.) bush. “you get to the end of the track, where the rocky expanse is. There, on the left, there’s a group […]

Carving A Path Through Lantana Taller Than You

Day5, you just came back to the studio, longing for the keyboard. The crickets outside compete with the fridge noise. Today Jim came to visit, he documented in a cd Rom the environment of Bundanon, frogs, mammals, fungi, plants. His work gathered information far apart and his knowledge filled your day. You discovered native Solanums […]


Day 4, Beautiful, majestic, reminescent of far country sides. Poplars are omnipresent throughout temperate europe. In Italy poplars plantations are the only relevant producers of wood at industrial levels. Using just over 1% of the total forestry area, polars privide 50% of timber stock for internal use. It is also the main ingridient for the […]

You Weed

Day 3, The Internet is fully working by now and you feel like changing the subject, fed up with the first person approach you imposing your readers. You like the idea of getting rid of the “I” as a cheap literally tool to draw in first person your reader. After all this is a writing […]

Weed Mysteries

Day 2, The bike raid to Riversdale was a killer, next time will get a lift. Starting collecting specimens, this morning on the Amphitheater Walk, found: Blackberry, Oxalis, PLantago, Clover, Scotch Thistle, Sheep Sorrel, Datura Stramonium, Fireweed, and an enormous amount of Lantana. I also found a number of other species which I still didn’t […]