First weedbook tour: Farm cove, The Domain and the now Royal Botanic Gardens

Getting ready for the first of a series of tours in Sydney, first up The Domain, this coming Saturday, still places available, book via or 9245 2484.. The Domain. This is a great way to start, as just over the ridge from where the meeting point is, ( the Art Gallery of NSW) is […]

on Weedbuster week and why you still at it

Ok, so you are going to offer 5 tours in the next month and a half, in 5 different locations. This is nothing new to your practice, as you have been using this ‘delivery’ concept as far back as 2002, when you first produced Weedkiller/Pestcotroller in an abandoned Drive In at Kingswood, Western Sydney. Since […]

Sharing knowledge

You came across the NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio. So much there to share, you begin with the short 10 sec video below which shows the changes in carbon sequestration by plants in the past decade 2000-2009. Credit to NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio for the video, look here for a better quality version […]

on how to display botanical reality

Oxalis, living in enclosed environment, a terrarium. This growing plant is part of an exhibition at the MCA, opening this Friday, In The Balance, a show about art and environment. You have made a terrarium before, and this latest ones (5 of them) have been constructed by the expert hands of Ian and Matt, two […]

a sudden shift

you in Bundanon for a couple of days, left the hyper communication behind opting for a more rewarding, considered exchange with fellow artists and scientist as part of Siteworks 2010: laboratory and forum. As the website say: SiteWorks, an ongoing conversation between artists and scientists investigating the empirical and interpretive possibilities of the Bundanon property […]

weedbook is now a FB application too

indeed weedbook, the facebook platform, is ready to roar in view of the launch! There is going to be the launch of an FB application, weedbook, a gift-generator application which you can use to send to your friends. Each card (about 20 at the moment, but more will come lol) feature a plant, some of […]

On weeds etc..

And yet another great radio documentary by ABC Radio National, this time written and presented by NoĆ«lle Janaczewska. Touching on many aspects of the complexities that weeds inhabit, from wildlife xenophobia to cultural heritage Vs environmental integrity, this documentary makes extensive use of film and music excerpt. You really enjoyed the impersonation of the legisaltion, […]

passing on some good writing

Patrick Jones is an artist, permaculturalist and dad from Melbourne. At the moment busy with the setting up of a food forest as part of the incoming show at the MCA, In the Balance, check out the progress here and some more of his writings here. Here you would like to share an article by […]