On The Time To Talk About It

The time to discuss it, bounce it off other people and listen to their responses.


Justine is an artist in residence here too, he’s a playwright, completing a commissioned play on the life of Charles Darwin and the legacy of his discoveries all the way to nowadays genetic bio-engineering.
How interesting you find those conversations with Justine who’s extensive readings on the subject give you insight into a philosophy of survival.
Is it really the all story?
Recessive genes are destined to melt away in our globalized little rock of the solar system?
Did anybody disproved yet the theory of evolution?

When in human terms, more specifically cultural terms, you often bring forward the argument of “the homogenization of languages process we are undergoing in the past 50 or so years”:
English is taking over the world.
You understand Mandarin is the most spoken language of the world and Spanish is spoken in the most countries, but English is undeniably asserting itself as the common language.
And yet as English words find their way through the world vocabularies (like OK, good, bad, rock, yellow, big, house and so forth) a parallel amount of distortions of the language gets generated.
The English spoken from a Canadian has little phonetic and rithmic resemblance to the English spoken in Bangkok.
When people here in Australia comment on your accent you reply by reminding them that there is probably four time as many people in the world speaking English with an Italian accent then people with an Australian accent, therefore undermining the issue of language legitimacy.
English is asserting itself as the world language, but that doesn’t mean the minor languages disappear, rather they show their individuality by polluting English into a myriad of secondary cultural interpretations.

Yes, the time to talk about it, and the time to think about it.

lonely gum

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