Weedy Pot-pourri

Pot-pourri is one one the classic herbal concoctions. The recipes for making it are as varied as the plants in the garden. Whatever the recipe the basic process is the same. Mix together the dried petals and leaves then add a few drops of essential oil and some orris root as a fixative. POt-pourri is usually stored in a air-tight jar or crockery pot for a few weeks until the aromas have blended. It can then be put in little boxes or pottery containers for individual gifts.
sachets can also be made with small squares of muslin, silk, cotton or linen, edged with lace and filled with fragrant pot-pourri to place in linen cupboards and drawers.


Here is a recipe made of Briar Rose and Lavander.

Briar Rose Pot-pourri

4 cups of dried Briar Rose petals
2 cups of Lavander flowers
2 cups of Rose Geranium leaves
1 cup Lemon Verbena leaves
3 tablespoons Orris root powder
2 tablespoon Cinnamon
10 drops Lavander essantial oil

Mix together the dried flowers and leaves. Add the rest of the ingredients and stir gently. Cover and store three weeks before using.

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