Ahhh, Foraging!

There is a talk tomorrow, at Sydney, and as part of the event you are going to offer “weed tea”.
Today you went foraging!

You never went through Leacock Regional Park before, even if you always wanted to.
A couple of years ago you applied twice to the Australian Council for the Arts and once to Arts NSW for funding so that you could research and provide the park with a Self-Guided Weed Tour. At some point you had letters of support from the Local Aboriginal Land Council, the Liverpool Migrant Resource Centre, Liverpool Library and the Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre.
You never got the funding though.
It really burnt you badly that experience, so much work for nothing (you must add here that in the same period you filed in 4 more application for grants in collaboration with an artist group you are part of, SquatSpace, also unsuccessful, for being too politically risky).

But then, of course you are bitter about it, you didn’t get it.
True is though, no application was filed in since then.

Self-help is what drives you nowadays, as foraging, so much is out there free for the collector.

Leacock Regional Park is a small park on the Georges River banks.
Sure enough, all of the usual suspects are there: Wild fennel (Foeniculum vulgare), African olives (Olea Africana), Privet-small and big leaved ( Ligustrum spp.), Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus), Cotton bush (Gomphocarpus fruticosus), Dock, Dandelion, Thistles, Plantago (large and narrow leaved), clovers, Box elders, willows and more…
To your heart content you also found Briar rose ( Rosa canina) and Nettle (Urtica), both invaluable ingredients for a weedy tea!
So comes Monday you can serve them all with the goodness of the free food!
302 Cleveland St, Surry Hills, Tea served at 7.30, talk at 8pm.

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