why weeds
How interesting is the reaction. Quite often you find yourself offending people, just by the nature of your arguments. Often times the fact that you come across as an advocate for reconsidering our hard stand on what specie should live or not upset people. ‘What you mean? what about Lantana? Are you saying that we […]
back in Bundanon
In Bundanon for a week, the starting point of a project which sparked off from your involvement with SiteWorks (please click the link to know more). As a spin-off from the amazing laboratory that SiteWorks was, you and Jim Wallis decided to propose a series of mini residencies here, where you will look at the […]
Alack, ’tis he!
King Lear Act 4, scene five CORDELIA: Alack, ‘tis he! Why, he was met even now As mad as the vexed sea, singing aloud, Crowned with rank fumiter and furrow-weeds, With hardokes, hemlock, nettles, cuckoo-flowers, Darnel, and the idle weeds that grow In our sustaining corn (IV.v.1-6) . Fumiter: fumitory Furrow-weeds: William Shakespeare Thanks Jenifer […]
First weedbook tour: Farm cove, The Domain and the now Royal Botanic Gardens
Getting ready for the first of a series of tours in Sydney, first up The Domain, this coming Saturday, still places available, book via education@mca.com.au or 9245 2484.. The Domain. This is a great way to start, as just over the ridge from where the meeting point is, ( the Art Gallery of NSW) is […]
Sharing knowledge
You came across the NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio. So much there to share, you begin with the short 10 sec video below which shows the changes in carbon sequestration by plants in the past decade 2000-2009. Credit to NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio for the video, look here for a better quality version […]
On weeds etc..
And yet another great radio documentary by ABC Radio National, this time written and presented by Noëlle Janaczewska. Touching on many aspects of the complexities that weeds inhabit, from wildlife xenophobia to cultural heritage Vs environmental integrity, this documentary makes extensive use of film and music excerpt. You really enjoyed the impersonation of the legisaltion, […]
Have you ever read Gaia?
You are lucky, you live at the moment amongst one of the most amazing libraries. You always want more information, and books still have a prerogative that electronic sources cannot match, the physicality of the medium: when you hold in your hand facts and words your reading experience is enhanced… you should explain this one, […]
Vite potata
Vite potata, originally uploaded by the weed one. While talking to the local gardener here (il signor Merloni, the most esquisite person), and explaining your background in pretty much a wide spectrum of gardening/farming in orchards and dairy farms, you got entrusted with the task of pruning 3 separate grapes trellis. It is spring here, […]
Fondazione Baruchello
You find yourself ploughing an art-rich soil: Il campo di grano dell’ Agricola Cornelia Spa. 1973 a young, fairly established artist, coming out of the ’60 social upheaval, tired and disillusioned for what came next (the political terrorism years of Italy) bought a farm on the outskirts of Rome. Enough land to have a quite […]
on the danger of loosing landmarks
In the 1940’s a farmer north-west of Sydney devised a new way to interact with the landscape in order to minimize the loss of topsoil due to erosion, store water and enhance the ability of the soil to regenerate and keep healthy. The farmer was P.A.Yeoman, and is regarded by many as a pioneer in […]