taralli al finocchio selvatico

Taralli con Finocchio selvatico 1 tbsp chopped fennel leaves 500g plain four 55g fresh yeast 125ml olive oil 1 tbsp black pepper 4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil salt to taste

on fairy rings, endangered ecosystems and four-leaf clovers

The rain gave reason to mushrooms to flourish this season. Our urban parks are filled with the most prolific displays, like this one, a fairy ring of Blewits (Lepista Nuda and Lepista saeva). Cab’s Wild Food Page, a UK based foraging site, says of this mushrooms: Probably the most popular wild mushroom in many parts […]

on the right ones

We went mushrooming again, we filled an 8 seater and off we ventured on the highway all the way to Belanglo State Forest. View Larger Map The day was cool but sunny and the mood was festive even if we all raised very early in attempt to beat the competition. But no competition was found, […]

on the ones you didnt know

Autumn slowly draw the curtain at a humid and stormy summer, the forests of australia sprouting mushrooms at a rate not been seen from a while. So much rain we had in the past 8 months, more than many years’ averages. We went to the Belanglo State Forest, looking at the place you read about […]

on sowthistle

Pic from the Royal Botanic Garden Herbarioum AKA: DE : Kohl-Gänsedistel ; ES : cerraja común ; FR : laiteron maraîcher ; IT : grespino comune, sonco ; PT : serralha-macia ; EN : smooth sow-thistle ; NL : gewone melkdistel ; DK : almindelig svinemælk This is one of two Sonchus spp. (Sowthistles) that […]

you keep writing about rain..

It’s raining, it finally came, was building-up from about ten days.. at first was a temperate late October then the wind from the west came.. it was dry and extremely hot.. You slowly starting to know the winds, the ones coming from the south bringing rain while the ones coming from the north-west bringing hot […]

on Wild radish and the resilience of some plants

You went for a walk by the Nepean River on the weekend and found a beautiful patch of Wild Radish, Raphanus raphanistrum. The plants is the subject of several international researches at the moment as is showing an incredible resilience to various chemical control methods, to the point of changing its own DNA make-up at […]

On Sticky Weed

You need to write this one here, as this blog is searchable. Also known as Asthma Weed, Parietaria judaica. It is native to continental Europe, and it behaves pretty much in the same way over here, clinging on wall’s crevices and thriving on grossly un-natural sites, like concrete’s cracks and gutters. It is one of […]

On All The Things You Never Write Down And You Going To Forget If You Don’t

Feedback and tassles of ethnobotanical knowledge for the database always come abundant. Usually most of the information comes out of talking to people, little things here and there, that by now, you realized , if you don’t write down are going to be lost. Through this project you are learning that popular knowledge is an […]