Ahhh, Foraging!

There is a talk tomorrow, at Sydney, and as part of the event you are going to offer “weed tea”. Today you went foraging! You never went through Leacock Regional Park before, even if you always wanted to. A couple of years ago you applied twice to the Australian Council for the Arts and once […]

Bundanon List – Black Berry Nightshade (Solanum Nigrum)

The list keeps flowing from your findings in Bundanon Annual growing to 0.6m by 0.3m. It flowers all through summer, and the seeds ripen in autumn. The flowers are hermaphrodite (has both male and female organs) and are pollinated by Insects. The plant adapt to a variety of soils but cannot grow in the shade. […]

On The Need To Listen To The Other Side Of The Story

Photo by Liz Bartlet You have been reading ‘Feral Future‘ by Tim Low. A fascinating book on the ecological disaster perpetuated by human in this continent. His argument is flawless, his research and historical account are excellent and extensive. Low trace back the slow intrusion of animals, plants and diseases in this continent by the […]

On Non-Native Connections With Native Species, and viceversa

So, after much research you can now name the Oxalis you were having for dinner, Oxalis radicosa, a native oxalis. Interesting how you used an old european recipe to prepare the plant, somewhat proving that trans-national ethnobotany is posiible! There are a number of other examples of such relationship with plants, in both ways, migrant […]

The List Goes On 2 – Bamboo

You will keep feautring one by one the plants found in Bundanon. You have written about a few others in previous posts, like Camphor Laurel, Fat Hen, Purslane and Poplars. There will be a brochure produced as a result of this residency, where some of those plants will be introduced. In the mean time The […]

The List Goes On

Those are some of the plants you found on the Bundanon grounds, some of them will make it to the brochure and self-guided tour you will leave behind when leaving the residency to other artists. A plant for post, you’ll present them all: Black locust Robinia pseudoacacia Origin: Native to North America Alternative Name(s): False […]

Weed Culture

Done! The show’s ready,will open tomorrow but your readers can have a sneak preview of the gallery’s front window. The image in the monitor is a live feed from a CCTV camera focusing on a pioneering plant in the backyard. While the pot Plant is a Blackberry (Rubus fruticosus) and below is a yummy recipe! […]

Dandelion Paellata, a Weed Recipe

Lucas and Lizzy came for dinner, so you made-up a recipe using Dandelion and whatever you had in the cupboard. It turned up to be a cross between a spanish vegetarian Paella and a frittata, therefore the name, Paellata. Ingridients: 4 cups of Dandelion leaves, chopped 4 eggs 1 cup of rice 1 onion, chopped […]

On Camphor Laurel and the need to preserve it

Yesterday you got lost on the island. The expanse of the river-deposited sand dune confused you. Although, through the meandering on the thickly growing vegetation (mainly Casuarina and Lantana), you found a beautiful tree. This is the first time you spot a Camphor Laurel in Bundanon. This particular one was big, healthy and fruiting. No […]

The History of Herbal Supplements

You are reading a lot at the moment, you’ve got the time for it, thanks Bundanon. You are reading books and online resources and it urges you to do a post about the historical connection between humans and the plant world. Next you will upadte the database This article was found online and it best […]