on Mapping and the value of it

We’re mapping it all!! As part of the exhibition Baadlands: an Atlas of Experimental Cartography We have also been revisiting the database and populate it with 40+ new plants profiles. The lot will be live at www.wildedibles.info on August 1, 6pm AEST If you’re in Sydney come for the launch!

The Rocks Windmill stories>>

It’s all happening down at The Rocks Windmill. The sails are turning, wheat is being ground into flour, Diego Bonetto is telling some fascinating weedy stories, Costa Georgiadis is getting very excited about our daily bread and kids are loving the school holiday workshops. The Rocks Windmill The Rocks Square 12 April – 12 May […]

Mushroom time!

It’s here, they are all around us, it’s been raining and they are now out! Mushrooms season! The first moon of the Chinese Year of the Snake brought above average rainfall, which to the shrewd forager -at this time of the year- means an incredible mushroom season is coming up! Friends and colleagues are already […]

amazing databases

The Food Plants International database covers some 18,000 plants edibility, just falling short of the estimate of edible plants in the world, which according to Plant For a Future, is around 20,000. Great respect should be paid to the countless amount of people devoting so much of their time and knowledge for all to share, […]

Wild Stories, the book

You have produced and self-published a book. It is available online here for $16 plus postage and handleing, or you could get it as a signed, limited edition copy by sending your request at info[at]weedyconnection[dot]com Wild Stories by Diego Bonetto | Make Your Own Book

the local weather

You have looked at the weather from all directions. You have followed the moon, the seasons, the relationship between the crescent to the rest of the cycle, the common (imported) knowledge of various cultures, sayings, hear-says, the words from yours old ways of northern Italy.. By now your friends just ‘let you talk’, as in, […]


ok, here it is, Year of the Rabbit on its way, one of the hottest days you ever endured ( or at least this is what it feels like) and BANG, the first post of 2011 comes out… You could talk about so many things, so much went through without being recorded, but it kind […]

Sharing knowledge

You came across the NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio. So much there to share, you begin with the short 10 sec video below which shows the changes in carbon sequestration by plants in the past decade 2000-2009. Credit to NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Scientific Visualization Studio for the video, look here for a better quality version […]

weedbook is now a FB application too

indeed weedbook, the facebook platform, is ready to roar in view of the launch! There is going to be the launch of an FB application, weedbook, a gift-generator application which you can use to send to your friends. Each card (about 20 at the moment, but more will come lol) feature a plant, some of […]