it’s all happening out there, in the big wide space!

The space is slowly filling with plants and stories.
Here’s Elena with her special cactus Petite.
She’s very fond of her green friend, which is been living with her for several years.
And Below is Petite‘s story:


For my sixth birthday my dad’s friend Lucas gave me a pot full of dirt, so i thought.
I took it home and a couple of weeks later a little green head pocked out.
It kept growing until Petite is what she is now, not quite petite as she once was.
Now that she’s part of the Hanging Garden she can finally be re-united with her mother, as Lucas has given Petite’s mum to the garden to show.
Petite‘s mum now gets the chance to see some of her grand-children which are living in the pot with Petite.
And so is Petite story.

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