it’s time to build a boat

a canoe actually.

Setting off early tomorrow morning for a mini-residency at Bundanon, about 3 hours south of Sydney, on an historic property now managed as a trust.
This is going to be yet another chapter for Siteworks, “[…] an ongoing series of interactive projects focusing on the unique Bundanon properties: 1100 hectares of pristine bush land overlooking the Shoalhaven River, which is Arthur and Yvonne Boyd’s gift to the Australian people.”

You will be working with Jim Wallis, master weaver and a extremely knowledgeable man when it comes to traditional craft.
as the website say:

DIEGO BONETTO & JIM WALLISS: AN ETHNOBOTANICAL STUDY OF THE BUNDANON PROPERTIES AND THEIR SURROUNDS is a series of research residencies to explore and document the ethnobotany of the Bundanon sites.

Ethnobotanists document, describe and explain complex relationships between cultures and uses of plants – focusing on how plants are used, managed and perceived across human societies – as foods, tools, currency, clothing and in medicines, divination, cosmetics, dyeing, construction, rituals, literature and social life.

Diego and Jim will visit Bundanon several times across spring, summer and autumn for short-term residencies to:

– research and locate plants using the past and recent flora studies;
– explore weaving and fibre plants and produce actual strings/cord from the known/listed plants as well as types of weaving – fishing lines, dilly bags, head bands etc. to become part of Bundanon teaching resources;
– learn bark canoe making techniques and produce a canoe for Bundanon teaching resources;
– trial European usage of plants eg. beer from hopbushes;
– examine early diaries and interview farmers and Aboriginal elders re plant usage;
– produce documentation and/or web site for the Bundanon library;
– create a video library of species/uses.

Come and see the results in an open weekend


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