There’s more to Brighton than a burned down pier

OK, this is it, nearly outta here. as a closing post you’d like to record a dot point list: Brighton’s west pier apparently didn’t burned down due to an ‘insurance job’, but rather because of two main theories: 1-the competition, Brighton’s Pier or Chain Pier, didn’t want the consortium who took over the pier as […]

mapping the Campagna Romana

Ok, this is it, 2 n 1/2 months of work got presented to the public last week. Together with a crew of 10 other we devised this ‘mapping of the landscape’. The aim was to gather our critical minds to unravel the complexity of the word nature, dissecting the conglomerate of meanings into various aspects, […]

as you were

Back to Chippendale and its botany. Things move fast in the small suburb of Sydney, with a considerable part of it undergoing a fast-paced redevelopment. Most of the area is being ‘cleared’ already, making space for apartments and parks. In the mean time you juggling a paid employment, a forced change of house from another […]

on privet posters, or rather, how you got there via a busy year

Somewhere you read 2008 is the year of getting busy building for the future..uhmm Sure you where busy up to now! This post is just to make a list of what you have been up to so far and a few upcoming events as well. You, reader, might or might not know you are involved […]

Dandelion Paellata, a Weed Recipe

Lucas and Lizzy came for dinner, so you made-up a recipe using Dandelion and whatever you had in the cupboard. It turned up to be a cross between a spanish vegetarian Paella and a frittata, therefore the name, Paellata. Ingridients: 4 cups of Dandelion leaves, chopped 4 eggs 1 cup of rice 1 onion, chopped […]

Carving A Path Through Lantana Taller Than You

Day5, you just came back to the studio, longing for the keyboard. The crickets outside compete with the fridge noise. Today Jim came to visit, he documented in a cd Rom the environment of Bundanon, frogs, mammals, fungi, plants. His work gathered information far apart and his knowledge filled your day. You discovered native Solanums […]

You Weed

Day 3, The Internet is fully working by now and you feel like changing the subject, fed up with the first person approach you imposing your readers. You like the idea of getting rid of the “I” as a cheap literally tool to draw in first person your reader. After all this is a writing […]

Weed Mysteries

Day 2, The bike raid to Riversdale was a killer, next time will get a lift. Starting collecting specimens, this morning on the Amphitheater Walk, found: Blackberry, Oxalis, PLantago, Clover, Scotch Thistle, Sheep Sorrel, Datura Stramonium, Fireweed, and an enormous amount of Lantana. I also found a number of other species which I still didn’t […]